grrr.. dem..haihh..WHY?when i'm looking to their eyes, my heartbeat bcome more faster, faster n fasterlah.. can i be ur gf?? HAHAHA.. btw, i choose JI HOO oke :) yg hujung skali tuh k...rmbut blonde.. if i've bf like u, my life will brighter oke..da lah ensem, style plak tuh* ;D it doesn't mean i'm crazee oke.. it's bcoz i'm soo in love with him. his style is one in a million oke.hari2 tgk movie dier pown aku xbhusan..cara dier smile..perghh..cair giler..muke yg cam xde prasaan 2..teruja siot..dem..rasa cam nk p korea jewk..jmpe dier..pas2 aku nk hug n kiss dier puas2..ahakkzz..huhu..pasan tol ank izat nieh..hahahaha..aftr diz, i'll make sure dat my future husband looks 100% like him. if not, i dun want to marry oke. HAHAHA..gilerr..dgr kt aliff mau aku kne sekeh..hahaha.. i've watched their drama's trice a day oke.. i can't sleep without watching diz F4. oh GODD.. plz meet me with someone like JI HOO.. he's kind-hearted, charming n loyal to his gf. i hope, 1 day i'll meet my own JI HOO n meet diz F4 :))
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